Friday, September 19, 2014

Forum Update -- FINALLY Getting It (I Think....!!)

This is NOT as easy to understand as I thought!!!! :-P
But I think I'm getting the gist of it finally, and I've been writing notes to try and keep it straight.
(SOOOO funny -- I used to be able to understand complicated Calculus formulas in high school, but I can't understand how to set up Forum Categories!)(*emphasis on USED TO!!*)

Well, in my defense (as much as anyone might want to listen to it...), the site didn't really do a great job explaining any instructions or what the words they used actually symbolized! :-P
But after doing it WRONG several times, I think I am clear on what "Categories" actually means to them!! LOL

I have MOST of the Categories and Boards set up now (I think!), so I'm going to post a screenshot to show you what I've created.
BUT....BEFORE I DO.....I want to repeat something I put into a comment the other day --- I'm definitely NOT personally connected to anything about what I'm creating, naming, picking, etc! So if there's anyone with better ideas of names or anything, I WELCOME that -- let us all know, and if everyone wants something changed, I'll happily change it!!!! 
This isn't "MINE" for "ME".....this is for ALL of US, I'm just doing the put-together of it. So anything, ANYTHING that one of you might really want to change or add, just let me know (here or in an email) -- I'm open to any and ALL suggestions!!!!

PLEASE keep that in mind when you look at the forum picture, and if anyone has an opinion about anything, I want to hear it! :-)

Here it is! (I can't seem to get it any bigger! :-P  Just use the "Control" key and either the "Page Up" key or scroll-up on your mouse to bring it closer) (STUPID Blogger!).....
***I FIGURED IT OUT -- Click on the picture, then in the next screen, RIGHT-click on the picture and click "View Image", then LEFT-click the picture again, and it will get HUGE!  I knew I made it big enough!!***
Just a little history on THIS style....I GAVE UP on the other "Free Forum" website with the confusing CSS-thing, and used this site -- I could only pick a preset style/frame, with all the colors and fonts already picked out and unchangeable.  All I could do is upload my "Logo", which is the picture you see on top.  I think I can also upload "Logos" for each category, if I wanted to, but that's the extent of the CHANGES that can be made on this site.  THANK GOD!!!!!  That CSS was killing me! :-P  LOL

I DO wish I could change the size of the forum title, which is in tiny blue words just to the right of the logo on top.  Maybe sometime I'll make a Logo with the title in it.....maybe...! LOL

So after looking at the general "LOOK", check out the boards I have, and let me know if I missed anything.  Or maybe it's too many....???  I DO still need to add a board for Seasonal Decorating, I think -- Christmas, Fall, Spring, Summer -- and I could put them under the "Decorating" category, OR, I could put them in their own category ("Seasonal Decorating").....

*SIGH!*  SOOOO many decisions....!!!!

Anyway, that's where I'm at after tonight!  I'd LOVE to hear any thoughts/opinions/ideas....!!

Now I'm off to ~VEG-OUT~ for an hour before I try and fall asleep!  I'll be checking back in the morning!!! :-D


  1. It looks great, Lisa Diane:
    I appreciate all of your hard work. I apologize for being AWOL. It's been a busy Summer. I wish there was a way to let the other 's from the old APP Forum know about this new one that is forming. I thing Marlene (Y1M) would want to know, and so many others, as well. Maybe Karen from "My Colonial Home" could make mention on her blog. I think she has lots of followers who were also former APP Forum members.

    "We" won't know how this new Forum pans out until it is up and running. The important thing is that it be a fun spot for like minded souls to share their inspiration and encouragement, in terms of Colonial/Country Primitive decorating/gardening/living, etc. This should not be a source of hard work or worry for anyone. If it becomes that for you or anyone else, then we move on to something else!

    Once again, I thank you dear "Prim Friend" for your countless hours with this effort - and I do hope those adorable doggy sweaters are finished and behind you!

    Hugs, Cheryl (allthingscolonial)

  2. Love it Lisa Diane. I left clicked right clicked and thought I was doing something wrong so I gave it to my husband and it wouldn't get larger for him either. From what I can see it looks great. Once its up and running I shouldn't have any problem. You did a fantastic job and I thank you for thinking so much about us. Cheryl has a great idea about Karen's blog. Hopefully you will find Marlene. Can't wait. Have a good night

  3. It looks great! Can't wait! thank you for doing this, I am so excited to post on our new place.

  4. Hi Lisa Diane...well I think you have a handle on this new forum and I am sorry for not being here when you messaged me.
    I have been out of sorts kind of but back up and running now.
    I do love what you have done...but I will let you in on a little secret about enlarging or making something smaller.
    Enlarge a page/picture: Control key/+
    Make smaller: Control key/-
    Back to normal: Control/0
    Just to let anyone know!!!

    I do have a category suggestion, unless I didn't see it -
    1. Our blogs
    2. Our websites

    There could be more but if this is strictly about home and garden then I think you have it perfect!!!


  5. NO PROBLEM, Karen!! I didn't mind! :-)
    I wanted to tell you that I created the "Links and Favorite Prim Places" board for our blogs and websites, and I thought we could also put them in the "Members" board, BUT I'll add a specific board for OUR links.

    And that's the thing -- if you have other boards you want, please let me know! I still have to add a "History" board that Marsha Grace suggested, but I've exhausted MY limited subject ideas!! LOL This doesn't have to be strictly about home and garden (although those are my favorite subjects), just mostly about "Primitive" stuff.....but really, not even that!!!

    And remember -- *I* am The Administrator here!! That means that if we want to change anything later, or add anything as we go along, WE CAN! Yippee!!!!! :-D

    "There could be more...." -- this sounds VERY intriguing and I definitely want to hear what-more!! THIS is why I wanted to hear from you! :-D

  6. Good morning Lisa Diane! It looks great! You are doing a fab job, carry on! I don't have anything to add right now. I look forward to posting at the new site! btw - your last post that showed all the projects you have been working on was truly inspiring! Keep posting them! Stacey (browndogprims)
