Monday, September 22, 2014

Let's DO IT!!!!! :-D

Ok, I'm just letting it go!!!!  If I wait until I have everything "PERFECT".....I'll never be done! :-{

I did a few little messages for registration and then under "Forum Policies", but that's far!!  Like I said in my comment to Karen, *I* am the administrator -- so if we want to add anything later, or change anything as we go along, it will be EASY PEASY for me to do it!!!! :-D  Just let me know! (that has become my mantra these past several weeks, I think....LOL)

I've unlocked it, so it's ready to sign up to and post on!!!!  I haven't added anything at all, except under "Forum Policies", and my signature/avatar.  It was pretty simple and typical, so there shouldn't be any real problems for anyone.  I have to get off the computer to make dinner and work on a few housecleaning things (BLEGH!!), but I'll be back on later to see who has joined and if anyone needs me for anything.

Hopefully.....I did everything correctly and it will be easy to get on and post....MY FINGERS ARE CROSSED!!! LOL

Here's the link...... (eeek!!!) (haha!)

GOOD LUCK....!!!  I'll be back on after dinner! ^-^


  1. It won't let me register. It said it's not possible to register at this time :(

    1. Barb, not sure if you got on yet but I registered just a few minutes ago...don't forget you need to scroll down and click 'agree' too! I forgot to do that the first time and it wouldn't let me in. So try it again!.

  2. Hi Lisa Diane! I got the same message just a moment ago.

  3. OK -- TRY AGAIN, and let me know what happens....!!!

  4. I'm in and posted already! Thank you, thank you, thank you Lisa for all your hard work to get us all back together again in a happy prim home.

    1. YAY!!! I changed a few "disable" selections to "allow" in the board manager-thingy, so hopefully that was it!

      I'm SO HAPPY you made it!!! :-D

  5. Lisa, I am "VERY EXCITED" about the new forum and it looks really great! Thank you so much for all of the work you've done! I do need to tell you that all of the information is public. I haven't registered and I can see all of the info and read the posts. Is it possible to change it to private? I'm so sorry to be such a pain, but I've had problems in the past with a public forum so I'm a little nervous to register. I really do appreciate all you've done so I hope you'll forgive me for "stirring the pot" so to speak. (((Prim Hugs)))

    1. I think I can definitely make it so that only "registered" users can see posts -- that's ALL anyone can do until they are registered, just LOOK, no posting or searching or clicking on any member names or anything.

      BUT, I WILL change that right now for you! :-)
      Like I said, it's Easy-Peasy since *I* am the Admin!!!!!

  6. OK -- I disabled ALL guest "permissions", so no one who isn't a member should be able to see anything. BUT let me know if there's any problem joining (registering), in case I took away a WRONG permission!! LOL

    This is SO FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D

  7. Hi Lisa Diane - well I registered and I'm in.
    I thank you so much for doing this for us - I know it was just a handful of people who were left on the other forum that knows about this so I will post it on my next blog post and also today sometime on FB.
    Good luck to you and all of us and I hope we can keep it going strong.

  8. Thank you so much for making it more private sweet lady. It is much appreciated. Several years ago when I was a forum newbie and I thought the forum I was on was private, I posted my phone number for a friend to contact me. To my surprise, it wasn't private at all and I had a really strange person start calling me, and I couldn't get them to stop. Very weird and a bit scary. I finally had to change my number that I had had for many years. I learned my lesson about public forums and putting personal info out there.
    On a happier note, I've already registered and I'm getting ready to head over there in a few minutes. So excited!
    (((Prim Hugs)))
