Monday, July 15, 2013

I Have Internet Again -- YAY!!!!

Well, we are back online steadily again -- THANK GOODNESS! 
It's not completely fixed (the wires haven't been re-hung/laid/placed/whatever!), but we redid a wire under our house, and the guy came and hooked that up this morning, and it worked!!  (notice how I said "we redid" reality, it was Brian who did all the work, while I was observing and offering my invaluable opinion - "Go HERE", etc!!! :-D)

Our internet speeds still aren't good (and not what I pay for....), but it's at least staying connected!  Hopefully, when they figure the whole pole-right-of-way-thing, we will have our high-speed internet back!

I'll be back with a post tonight -- I should get to work on a few things around here, but I've got to get my Pinterest pages sorted and saved!!!!!  I have TONS of tabs open of them! :-D  I think I'm developing a pin-addiction.....I can block out all else in my pursuit of pins!  It actually frightens me a little......but I can't stop!!  There is so much to SEE.....I must click on it ALL!!!

See, it's hopeless! hahaha!!

I'll post again later.....! ^-^

1 comment:

  1. From what other's have said, you are in good company! I don't dare start. Want to see two sites that will keep you in your PJ's from sunrise to sunset?! Check out Linda Rudman's Pinterest and Sue's at Apple Hill Homestead!

    Glad to know that your internet is working again, even if not completely up to pare!

    Cheryl (allthingscolonial)
