Thursday, July 12, 2012

Cross Another Thing Off My List.....

I DID it!!!  It took me two days, but I got the curtains DONE!!!  I am SO proud of myself! LOL
I definitely didn't feel like hemming and hanging these panels, but I just made myself (once in a while that works! :-D) took over an hour, probably closer to two hours!  There's alot involved -- I had to cut off the excess, then I had to pin up the length, and it was hard because the panels were long, and I had to keep checking and re-checking my measurements!  I even had my boys holding them up together, so I could make sure I pinned both panels the same length!! LOL  Then I went back and re-pinned where I was going to sew it together, then the sewing, throwing them in the dryer to tumble out the wrinkles, hanging, and finally pulling them back and into place....PHEW!! :-D

Here they are pinned.....

Here they are sewn - notice my not-straight-seam?  Hey, I never said I was a great sewer (seamstress? :-P)!!!......

And here they are all done and hung up!!.....
(that does look even, I think.......)
WHAT A DIFFERENCE....right???  I'm so happy this is finished!  *SIGH!*
Well, now all I need is to stencil, sponge the walls, put up the baseboard (yes, that's still waiting! :-P), and paint the little cabinet in front of the windows, and.....AHHHHH!!!
Hahaha!  Oh well!! :-D

OH, and did I mention I found THIS.......
That's another print from Hobby Lobby, and it's been stored away for much longer than the first one I did!  It's a great one, isn't it?  It already has the perfect colors and "aging", and you can see I will be able to use one of the canvases I have!  All I need to do is glue it on, and paint the edges!!  This one might be perfect on the wall next to my new curtains..... :-D case you didn't notice, I posted a picture of my mural along the side of my blog!  I figured since I removed it from the background, I could put a picture of it on here, since I love it so much! :-D  I added a frame to it in photoshop, too -- I'm so clever!  Haha!!'s the weekend again!  YAY!!!!  Remember how sad I was that Brian's vacation was over?  Well, just like I said, the week flew by!  I think there will be some fun stuff to talk about every day!!! ^-^

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