Monday, August 27, 2012

Plastering the Wall!

Well, I did the first layer of plaster on that kitchen corner - did I mention how much I love getting these little jobs finished??  Once this is done, I'll never have to think of it again!

So I know that no one will find this that interesting - it's not painting or creating anything, but I am going to show how I do this anyway, even just for myself to look back on! :-D
Here are the needed tools.....
I won't be using the yellow tape, because it's sticky and netted....a corner like this will do better with a solid paper tape (so I won't get any cracks in the seam later).  And I LOVE plaster knives, the smaller one has a taped handle because I don't want to replace it, it's my favorite!  See, I hoard plaster knives too!! LOL
This ginormous container of plaster is easy to lift onto the table because it's almost empty.....
Yup, I've used almost all of it around here, all 4.5 gallons of it!  We've rebuilt a few walls! :-D  The plastic over it keeps it from drying out, and it works because I bought this many years ago, maybe even five years ago, and it's still perfect and ready to use!  The other great thing about it is that this whole container full only cost about $'s a very economical project material!
Alright, let's go!!
Here's what I'm starting with.....

So I start by folding the paper tape.....
.....this will help make a sharper corner....
Then I scoop out the plaster I'll need and cover the large container, and start spreading it on with my plaster knife.....

.....I start from the top and spread it on each side of the corner.....I have to work fast, because thin spots can dry really quickly!
Once I have enough plaster on there, I press the paper tape into the wet plaster with my plaster knife, being careful to keep the fold straight over the corner.....
Then, I go back over the tape with more plaster, one side at a time, so I can keep the corner fold straight.....
That looks better than the other picture, doesn't it?  Ok, layer one, complete!! :-D
Now I'll leave this to dry overnight, then I'll go back tomorrow and spread another layer on top of it!

Wasn't that neat?!! :-D

After I got that done, I finished the stenciling in the library room.....

It's so pretty!!  I still have to go back and sand them, but that's easy....then I'm thinking about using the antiquing glaze on these walls too....OH!!  I'm SO unsure about that!  I don't have alot of confidence with things I'm not familiar with....that's why I hesitate!  I just have to keep working up the nerve - it might take me a little bit, but I'll do it! :-D

Tomorrow, I want to stencil some more in the living room.....although I've hit a bit of a snag - I don't have anymore of the wall paint for it, which means I can't paint over the first stencil I painted on that one wall!  OOPS!!  Haha!  Well, I guess I can't finish until this weekend, then....that's ok, I've got plenty of other projects to occupy me until then! ^-^

1 comment:

  1. Though I was thinking, it would be bit difficult task to do plastering by own-self but after seeing your steps its looking easier. I was not aware of using tape in such a way before, but now got the necessity of using it. Thank you for sharing your experience here with us.
