Thursday, June 7, 2012

Dreams Of.....Basil???

I planted some basil today!!!

Isn't it pretty?? (pay no attention to the grass that's everywhere!)  I just love how basil smells, hands smelled delicious when I was done!! LOL  These are plants that I started from seed, except the larger purple one's -- I got those from the Farmer's Market last weekend, 6 for $2!!  I saved a few plants for the back porch, so I can have basil close-by as well....ummm, I'm going to have TONS in a few weeks!  There will be basil hanging all over my kitchen to dry! LOL

I also did some painting today, too, of the trim!  It is fully complete on one side of the room!!  YAY!!!!!

Now to do the other 5 walls!! LOL

I would like to do them this weekend, actually, but I'm not sure if I will -- remember the grass in the garden from the pictures??  We've really got to get that under control, with pulling, tilling, papering, mulching, and I'm not sure I'm going to feel like wiping wood putty around the ceiling after that!!  We'll see, though, I might!

I've really got to start thinking about placing my collections around, now that I'm getting spaces finished - the kitchen is the only room that I've set out anything, and I LOVE how it looks!  If you can believe it, that is the hard part for me in all this....displaying anything....I just can't seem to get comfortable doing it!!  It's the deciding part of it - I'm terrible at that, I can never make a decision about anything!  What I need to do is get my magazines and picture trail web pages out, and re-create my favorites with MY things....all I need is a little confidence and to at least start, then it will get easier for me.....Won't it?.....UGH!! 

OH!!  By the way, just a little update on the birds....I'm almost certain I heard some chirping from the porch today.....I'm so HAPPY about that!!!!! ^-^

1 comment:

  1. Oh basil, nice smell! I also have lots of oregano, it is taking over one side of the herb bed!
