Thursday, May 17, 2012


Umm, is it ok to keep posting what I do around here, even when it's not "primitive"??  Maybe instead of posting every day, I should wait and only post on the days I actually work on the house?
Well, I only did a little painting today.  Instead, I and my dear little daughter (!!!), did something we had been talking about for awhile ~~ we made caramel!!  Wow, right?!!  It's an Amish recipe....I love the Amish way of life because it's so close to living the way that makes me happiest, and very primitive! ^-^

ANYWAY -- the recipe is from scratch, and calls for butter, sugar, vanilla, heavy cream, and molasses.....

I have never made candy before, but I thought I knew mostly what to expect....WRONG!!
It had to boil until it reached 250, I figured that would probably take 15 minutes or so.....WRONG!!
 It took 2 1/2 hours!!!  It actually worked out well, because since we kept thinking "it won't be much longer", we stirred and checked the temperature alot, so it never burned or separated, or got too high (which could make it hard caramel).

Here it is, cooling off.....
It was actually fun, and we have come up with other candies we want to make now, and have some ideas about what to add to this caramel - like dip it in melted chocolate, push nuts into it, etc.  I don't know if the picture shows, but that's alot of caramel!!  Tomorrow, I'll add a picture of all the pieces when I cut it up.

It tastes really good, but it has a heavier taste than caramels I've eaten before, probably because of the molasses - no corn syrup was used in THIS candy!

I felt close to the Colonial housewives who made candy like this for their families!  I guess that makes this a "primitive" post after all!! ^-^

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